The Simple Magic of Pictionary

The game of Pictionary has its roots in the analog world, where friends and family would gather in a room around a drawing board and take part in the thrill of attempting to identify a word that best represents the illustration being crafted live in front of the guessing audience. Over the years, this activity has proven to be just as engaging in the digital realm, helping teams carve out a little creative corner just by joining a game room and dragging a paint brush around with their mouse/track pad or by feverishly trying to guess the word while the timer ticks down.

The beauty of the game is that there really isn't much to it. There are no complex rules to absorb and follow (my eyes always glaze over when being introduced to new game rules). Being the drawer is easy and accessible as there is no pressure to make things look beautiful, just vaguely identifiable, and being a guesser is low stakes as there are no penalties for incorrect attempts while being high reward due to the oddly satisfying nature of being the first to accurately identify that awkwardly drawn giraffe that looks more like a tall leopard (you just had a hunch).

Beyond being an incredibly fun team-building game in the moment, Pictionary also lends itself well to eternal inside jokes and memorable shared experiences. Who could forget that fire truck that simply looked like a truck on fire, and what about that ghost that everyone was certain about being a plastic bag in the wind? Or how about the time you guessed the word correctly after only having seen two random brush strokes and everyone deemed you a Pictionary prophet? Ok that last one is just a personal fantasy.

Regardless of how you draw it up, the game of Pictionary is one of the easiest ways to get folks jamming together. It unlocks our inner artist as well as our inner competitors, and it does so while allowing us to rediscover the simple joys of doodling and guessing. At TeamBit Games, Pictionary is even more customizable with unique themes, variable-size game rooms, and even mobile support so you can play when on the go!


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